
Ah yes, followed by the decisively successful Operation Fuck it, that'll do

This was pre 9/11 so the ratio of catchiness/truthfullness in the military operations naming department (or MOND) was still at about 2:1

To be fair, what a note to go out on. That was one of the finest throwaway jokes the Simpsons has ever done.

You'll never get a response from The AVclub like that, you gotta poke him with a stick

"Quack Quack Quack" has me on the floor laughing even though it's probably the silliest joke the Simpsons ever did.

How was he supposed to react? By not acknowledging it? I don't really get a tone from this clip. It seems like they had genuinely just got word of the news and put something together as quickly as possible. I know what you're talking about but this seems to have been put together far too hastily for it to be contrived

AVclub we didnt mind your drinking, or your kleptomania or your pornography ring. But this time you've gone too far!

That is a beautiful picture tribute for such a crap service. I mean I had a tear in my eye and actively avoid the damn thing

they have great range, listening to something like this and then to something like Little Round Mirrors, they had a really varied career.

I won't disrespect the guy by turning this into a forum to discuss which one was the best Batmobile.

I dont know "New Maine" doesnt even have the grammatical flourish or quirky locals.. it literally has nothing..

I'm in decent shape and used to run track in college, still I am nowhere near the level of fitness that they need to be in. They have to have everything too, explosive force, balance and stamina to go a whole show. It really is admirable what they go through for their art

Well I think the picture says it all really. Welcome… TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW

That is some beautiful username/comment synergy

As if a switch had been turned, as if an eye had been blinked, as if some phantom force in the universe had made a move eons beyond our comprehension, suddenly there was no book! There was no piece, no writing, no thing called "How to watch a movie" to be read!

I read the first two paragraphs and only realized it when I read your comment..

"things get even weirder when the cocooned baby almost immediately grows up to be basically be a reincarnation of Eva, in a blond wig yet! And we learn who Christine was talking to on that recorder: this future queen, who helpfully was born with all sorts of knowledge about dome life intact. "

Incidentally this is probably my favorite Season 9 episode and I hold it up as proof that despite the Simpsons not been perfect around this time it was still capable of handling difficult themes in a funny yet still respectful way.

The AVclub

I ctrl + F'd "Hey, I'm tryna eat lunch here"..nothing.