Dashing Leper

Marshall is a surname.

The Buran was as much a copy of the Space Shuttle as a bus line is to a subway: They do the same job so they have similar looks and routines, but how they go about doing it are vastly different.

Nor above water.

Who’d have thunk throwing the entire readership into the grays would have dampened audience participation?

Whenever someone brings up the point that the Democratic House is trying to un-do the 2016 election, I just want to remind them that the mandate of 2016 put Trump on the steps of the Capitol to say these words,

That’s not my fault. Your toothbrush was like that when I found it.

If there’s one thing Trump is a true master of, it’s economic ruin.

Kinda makes sense why Stephen Miller acts like a First Prime.

Those are the words of a mad king.


As I’ve said before, Republicans would first have to work that stick out of their butt before they can tie it up to their spine.

It’s the one with the nukes.

Since we failed to actually storm Area 51, maybe this is all a conspiracy to remove to one man who knows the truth!

Oh, that’s all right. It’s not like Trump actually paid those PIs to go to Hawaii. Probably he promised to comp their accommodations at one of his properties as means of compensation. Then had them booked in a roach-infested bungalow somewhere just off a resort.

A winning home team, for one...

‘Ingenious’ means ‘genius’? What a country!

“...how they managed to turn that corner defies explantion.”

I always heard it as “Sweep the lick...” as if ‘lick’ were some Special Forces slang for a wound or injury.

In other words, they buried the transcript in the same vault where they keep the Roswell aliens.

There is only one way this is going down: