Dashing Leper

I’m irked that the inner headlight bulbs on mine are wholly non-functional. BMW only wired up the outboard headlights.

Let’s not gloss over the fact that the other abilities held behind this paywall are AMMO CAPACITY UPGRADES.

I got some backlash for posting a video extolling viewers to be very cautious of flying debris when a gas station explodes into a massive orange fireball behind you, and not do what I did by putting on some sunglasses and strolling slowly away without a flinch.

Programmer: Okay, I’ve fixed it so that it’s harder for a player to ragdoll when their horse slides down a cliff.

I still want a Bullitt edition Volkswagen Beetle, self-duplication/teleportation features extra.

Avogadro, I assume.

Had an idea for that as a Men in Black gag, where Agent K talks of recently confiscating an anti-ship cannon, stolen from the main battery of an alien battlecruiser, and it turns out the cannon is the size of a rifle.

The Fort Worth mentality used to be “We just roll them out. What happens to them once they’re out the door isn’t our concern.” They’ve moved away from that once Lockheed showed them the money in sustainment business, but there was some static inertia to overcome.

“Why don’t you take your cease-and-desist letter across the way and see if those fellows over there will listen! After all, they are the ones doing their damnedest to void your warranty on this equipment.”

And those same hardworking service members are subject to the mercurial whims of a demented meglomaniac with a sociopathic inability to regard (nor face) the consequences of his suspect and untrustworthy motivations. That’s the kicker.

They’re called harbulary batteries...

You invited the question of why Trump switched to the Republican Party in the first place, rather than peddle his shit under the Democratic banner.

Hell, I was wondering if this extraction was recent news or something. Back in the day, a writer would have been kind enough to tell you when a story happened.

Low-flow toilets are used to conserve water. The only time a ship is going to come up short with water is if they run aground.

I was impressed when Gears of War gave us an option to go through a tutorial or truncate the whole breakout of prison and I was looking for such options in more games. The first time I played Skyrim and had to choose whom to side with in the escape from Helgen, I chose the Imperial on the logic that this was his post,

So, to ruin Star Wars a bit further, know in your heart that every time a stormtrooper got hit by Han’s laser pistol, he was effectively burning and roasting their insides.”

I don’t know a damn thing about crop dusters, but I do know a thing or two about airplanes. I imagine that a crop duster normally dispenses its payload in measured, gradual amounts and the pilot re-trims the plane as this happens. If the gender reveal run was to open the valves and keep on dumping until dry, the pilot

Hitler and the Nazi leadership were hesitant to fully mobilize the German economy for all-out war. Even the Nazis, hell-bent on world conquest, had to spread out its resources beyond buying military machines.”

He gets a buzz from the spray tan solution.

What is silly is identifying yourself as a “U.S. Marshall” when you are indeed from the United States but your last name is actually Gerard.