Dashiell Hammlet

Well ‘Abner’ is bald(ing), but corpulent and a bit touched in the head. Both are goddamn milk babies.

I don’t have to go.

Damn it kinja...


I would wager that MOST of the people complaining about TPP have no idea what it is.

So...I mean...I guess I sort of get why she’d rather Trump be President than Clinton? Plus the other day Trump just outright said voting for her helped him, so there’s that. Stein 2016! Make America Dumb Again!

In a show of solidarity with everyone in North Carolina who is unsure which bathroom they are legally allowed to use, Governor Pat McCrory just shit his pants.

I mean, she’s not stupid. It had to be deliberate, but...visual dog whistle?

Looks like she started the Seig Heil, then somebody in her earpiece monitor said “GODDAMNIT LAURA BEND YOUR ELBOW, NOW IS NOT THE TIME”.

The fuck would I be doing in New Jersey?

I imagine Iceland may be the darlings of the tournament.

I had no problem with it.

All the sites have done great reporting. The investigative reporters at Deadspin who reported on Greg Hardy and Kevin Johnson, for example, are an inspiration to our news team. Jezebel has been doing some great politics coverage. Gawker got people talking about the allegations against Bill Cosby before that became a

Really? The name is “All Takes Matter?”

I bet the Cards were stealing faxes from the Astros back then too.

LeBron James wears 23

Give the Patriots the perfect season.

“I think if you’ve made 2 masterpieces and at least 5 decent films you should get a pass on even the shittiest of movies.”
Or as I call it, The Coppola rule. 4 of the greatest films ever made... then a cascade of, well, not masterpieces.