Dashiell Hammlet

Wes Welker doesn’t remember witnessing any wrongdoing under Briles.

Justly or unjustly, there is always some circling the wagons in situations like these from those connected to the party or parties under fire. Not too many people would be willing to say “You know what? They’re right, the people and institutions I’ve loved my whole life are corrupt garbage. I’ve completely wasted so

The 30-inch Zyla

Searching for it...

There should be a bronze statue of these two outside of the Browns’ stadium, to sum up the team’s and fans’ existence.

You can pitch like garbage and be a big fatass and hit your wife/girlfriend/dog, but as long as you talk to the press after the game they’ll always have your back in some way.

Not as convincing as when he deked Mets fans into thinking he was going to catch that ground ball in Game 4.

Is from this gif

Yeah, I don’t understand what he’s complaining about. He made the bet (apropos of nothing, so far as I can tell), allowed York to change the terms of the bet after winning, then went and honored his commitment (presumably without complaining to York).


The French Laundry? Kawakami got taken to the cleaners.

If your impression was like mine, I’d have to agree. He was BIG and SCARY. Seriously, hes a scary dude.

When will people stop with the nonsense that this fictional song actually happened? And if any of you actually think Big put the heat on Anthony Mason and not only lived to tell about it but put it in a frickin’ rap song then clearly your mind is diluted due to angel dust.

Actually that’s not at all what happened. From snopes:

“Defended an accused child rapist, then laughed about his lenient sentence.”

The NFL only offers 5 year insurance to players after 3 years on the field and continue to fight claims for post-career medical costs (although to an extent, I see their point from a business standpoint, not a moral one). I highly doubt they have anything in place to provide for career loss. If anything, it would be

Look, if Tom was an athlete, he wouldn’t be a sportswriter

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.