Dashiell Hammlet

The NFL only offers 5 year insurance to players after 3 years on the field and continue to fight claims for post-career medical costs (although to an extent, I see their point from a business standpoint, not a moral one). I highly doubt they have anything in place to provide for career loss. If anything, it would be

Look, if Tom was an athlete, he wouldn’t be a sportswriter

I will cut you

Bud Light to be renamed “Canada”.

That will be called Canada

My attention and efforts are focused on the participation in and preparation for a championship season:

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

Yup. Sent this to all my employees. I guess that’s one of the curses of being high on the job.

Bill Bradley?

I don’t know his actual party affiliation but Aaron Rodgers seems to be fairly sane and liberal.

Don’t forget the fascism!

Just to spit in DC’s eye: Avengers: Crisis on Infinity Earths and Avengers: The Death of Superman

The entirety of the GOP primary has been one big, collective “Fuck You” to the Republican Party and yet I’ve encountered so many people across Gawker Media that somehow think this gives them an edge in the general election. Baffling...

It’s nothing new. He’s just updated the Southern Strategy for the 21st Century.

Keep doing it. Keeeeeeeeeep aligning yourself with racists, Trump. Our country is diverse and many of those non-white voters are terrified of you. Dig your own grave, buddy. (eta: I realize this is about his supporters, not him, but like, come on)

Imagine the shit-eating grin Goodell had on his face when he made that statement. Just imagine it.

“Now things have gotten worse”

This meme will never let me down

dammit! I was trying to be first...! :( 🔚

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.