Dashiell Hammlet

Helwani admits to knowing that this isn’t something he should be doing as a journalist, yet going ahead and doing it anyway.

The East is ass anyway. So it was written

they did have the perfect season! they went 17-1 and Eli “baby head” Manning beat that ass

how did I know the rider was gonna specifically say Magnums? brilliant

yeah, I’d take Robocop and Total Recall over any fucking film you want to throw at me. Star Ship Troopers gets a hefty honorable mention.

I know of a dead Penn State coach who would disagree with you on that.

what I like to call Potato a la Holyfield

in reality how was that first Ghostbusters game? I always used to play it at a friends house, had no idea what “franchise” meant and it seemed the game sucked. I was also 8 so what the hell did I know?

surely you jest.

the opposite sentiment of a bunga bunga party

come on

this isn’t my place but shouldn’t black athletes be extra extra Ed Snowden secretive about doing drugs? Manziel has to beat someone to get noticed, these guys are smoking weed in a car

He was “Shoulders” for a reason. No joke, a heckler yelled “hey Mason, you suck” and he turned and said in the deepest voice I’ve ever heard:

I saw Anthony Mason in the flesh court side at an exhibition game in the 90s.

Now playing

i’m psyched. love Elba - but of course, some out there will be saying:

i fucking died. blew myself up. god damn it

looks legit. case closed!

In Amerika, PED use you! What a country!