Dashiell Hammlet

does the NFL provide insurance for such things? or is that on the player? (I don’t mean medical insurance, but more like a career-loss insurance policy)

I ran D-III track. We definitely used a dildo a couple of times

ah the Glomar Response... interesting history attached to that non-denial denial.

opening shot is very “shining”.

how to get mesothelioma.

that’s because OBL was computer animated

sorry. i wasn’t clear. I was thinking about political donations. athletes are really wealthy

fairly related. I googled “famous athletes who are Democrats” because of Schilling and Johnny Damon and Nick Mangold (all Trumplers)

kinda deserves it for going to OSU, no?

honestly, I think that lego has more facial expressions than Felicity Jones

looks like a fucking Trump rally

Haters Gonna Hate, Democrats Gonna Fret.

the mask theme song is pretty dope

considering Schilling’s career... he doesn’t need the money, right?

i got drunk just watching her

I prefer your version if that’s any consolation.

Now playing

know what was fucking amazing though? Sid Fucking Caesar’s Work Out Video: the man was a beast (and was drunk for 40 years straight!)