Dashiell Hammlet

he seems to know how to fall (you can see how he breaks the fall on the land), an important skill in any martial art.

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yo - was just talking about this song. which may permit me to segue to how “Parent’s Just Don’t Understand” definitely finds the Fresh Prince about to commit some form of an underaged sex crime. Between that and Lewis Skolnick going down on a girl without her permission in Revenge of the Nerds, the 80s were fucked up.

my college roommate was from Utah. he said he lived in a theocracy.

the 4 always left my legs feeling like rubber on someone else’s body.

I believe Indiana Jones films are just known as: Indiana Jones AND the Temple of Doom.

yeah, it’s more the signifier. number in title isn’t important to me and the star wars movie doesn’t truly count (in my pathetically filled mind) because it’s known as: The Empire Strikes back as opposed to say,

I’ve hit on this in the past, (the MCU seems an exception (winter soldier)) but subtitles in movies SUCK.

isn’t that in Superman II but it was Zod?

think he could run for Governor of Louisiana? that sentiment alone would get my vote. if i could vote in Louisiana.

that fool! didn’t he read Keith Richards’ autobiography???!?

all hail Dr Katz?

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please have Michael Shannon read it. Please.

dating myself here - but does anyone remember MacFoxes?

As Knicks fan all I can say: “Might as well have joined the fucking Peace Corps!”

of course. when you make your escape, blend in with the other 20,000 santas

two santacon fantasies -

How do you shove a 6'7" meatman in the back? What if you miss?

wow. I always said elephant walks were urban legend.


one of the most reckless and stupid proofs of strength in football (especially when I did it)