Dashiell Hammlet

(this was a consensual act among adults, right?)

can we all agree that either Trump or Cruz wouldn’t win a general election so it’s kind of a moot point?

It’s not just romcoms (see Jessica Jones)... but who wants to watch a romcom set in... here?

Bowles needs to sue their asses into the ante-bellum period.

i once saw two women on the 2/3 platform at 96th street (NYC) fight and no one stopped them, until one of them grabbed the other by the hair and was attempting to fling her onto the tracks. Then someone stepped in.

Now playing

always had a fantasy of Dez reacting like this to the “is your mother a prostitute” question:

Trump has a smart strategy: if only white people are going to vote for you, then you might as well go for broke. But it’s not going to work. Romney was the last GOP candidate that could even try to win with a white only voters and he came up short

please tell me you’re Dusty Foggo!

oh schnitt dude, you got me started! Barry Seal worked out of Mena! and while I was searching around, I found this craziness:

I doubt anyone reached Jeb levels, certainly not Hill Billy Bill. Jeb’s dad was the head of the CIA and he was a prominent Florida bizniz man AND a lot of people he did bizniz with are in prison or are wanted and living abroad.

I’m not going to melt down, I’m growing a beard and taking to the hills to fight!

i was hoping he’d make it to the general because I am convinced he was laundering coke money during the 80s and I want to find out more...

i am now following GreatAssDaily

haven’t seen a wind up like that since Popeye

appropriate, in all honesty is getting his nuts laid out on the dresser, just his nuts on the dresser and getting them shits banged by a spiked fucking bat

getting visions of John Belushi here...

know how many people peer down the barrel as they “check the gun”?

knicks! (lights crack pipe, smokes that glass dick)

the very best school in the shitey DIII Minnesota league I played in didn’t use contact during practice - and they whupped conventional teams real real good. Basically all the time.

Audition broke me. And that was a million years ago