Dashiell Hammlet

that. we. know. of.

i found as i got older, i just couldn’t handle this shit anymore

my dad said the same thing about Warren Moon:

independent neurologist, aka

“there can never be justice on stolen land. pizza on the other hand...”

I don’t think I could play Fallout nude... I’d be fucking terrified the entire time

I was a major computer geek in the early 90s (I was 13) - and we used to love a program that would throw in random characters as you were typing. Used to infect all the computers in lab with that one. Classic!

when that happened, I was like - damn a lot of Deadspin readers are Conservatives??? - no ability to discern humor on any level

Tradecraft, Schefter! Tradecraft!

Batman Returns? Bold choice. I actually really love Year One

damnnit Tim - I saw this GIF, I’m at work late, and I though the Knicks might actually have fucking won.

I love you all for doing this.


fuck with the NFL, sleep with the fishes...

[REDACTED] is a hell of a drug

in a football drill once, a WR caught a “rip” from a DB right in his balls

that is a very good point. I enjoy re-reading his columns from right after the games... I’m a sad man.

Seriously, I am an unrepentant asshole Giants fan, but Superbowl 42 at #10? That is weak. Makes me think it was written by Bill Simmons.