Dashiell Hammlet

even if fake, the copy is priceless.

I played D-III football and I remember laughing my ass off at the absurdity of signing away my “likeness” to the NCAA for no compensation.

hitler stash?

wife and kids are away for the long weekend... soooooo

it wants to eat you

this is so adorable.

I actually took KC to go to superbowl

Both accomplished coaches no doubt, both banes of Philly fans’ existence

I like the choice?

such an F you to so many Brooklynites, not just the hipsters and bazillionaires in Billyburg.

feel like Snoop saying “fix your shit” should now be the official 2016 message to, well, everyone:

Man, that guy didn’t know what he was missing. Bathroom breaks during poker are the best (sniff sniff)

looks like 12 Monkeys

best place to nap is at my desk at work, no question.

Burfict wanted more money for the hit jobs

Life long suffering Knicks fan. So I say, yes. YES. to both of these.

almost got suckered into hearing what Stephen A had to say...

that photo looks pretty Provisional Republican Army(ish) to me.