Fool proof gun safety!
Fool proof gun safety!
Kelly’s not racist. He just likes to enrich less talented white players.
Thanks. That is as satisfying answer as I have gotten
Honestly I was so lucky they didn’t beat the shit out of me. I think they were surprised I’d get violent about a relatively harmless prank.
Thanks but I’m no hero, just a stubborn individual.
Damn that’s a big schwanstücke! Oh... wait.
When I played HS Football, the upperclassmen had a thing where they threw freshman in the showers with all their clothes on. When they came for me, I just punched one of them in the face and said, “I’m not your guy.” They seemed genuinely surprised and said “Damn, can’t take a joke?”
I know! What’s next? (Probably a ton of bad shit, and THEN the Cowboys win the goddamned Superbowl)
I’m not saying he shoulda gotten off, but any lawyers out there in Kinja land want to tell me why his defense team admitted he was there when Lloyd got shot???
Since Spre’ I haven’t loved an (ex)Knick more.
Drunk History did a thing on the train episode, but it was more about Pinkerton
That sounds about right. Now, I still think that running a sub 9.8 100 meters is bat-shit crazy and I don’t care what drugs you take, it’s still goddamn impressive. I just can’t accept that they’re not.
I’m a huge track fan and a former college sprinter... My question is, I argue that all of the world class sprinters are on drugs. I still respect the hell out of them, but I am convinced they are all on drugs. Am I wrong?
I know. And I lose my mind every time someone says it was good.
I stopped watching in Season 1 when they had the tiny white haired girl raped by Jason Momoa. It was a rape, filmed like a late night Skinamax B-movie.
She was clearly talking about her fake boobs. And he took that as a mistaken offer to feel them. They're spectacular
My childhood bleeds. When they remake Revenge of the Nerds, I may go supernova.
Ahnold in Predator. He evades a nuclear device with a radius of 20 city blocks (Predator 2, terrible movie by the by).
only slightly un-related (PS. the rest of this video is a must watch for any Knicks fan. but for some reason, the ending is what gets me.
One who makes 11 million a year, apparently