Kotaku's Patrick Muldoon

You know gold would be more secure. Just don’t make it your retirement plan because people could stop giving a shit in 20-30 years and all that could be worthless (monetarily). Also I guarantee nothing is worth as much as you think it is. There’s a phenomenon where collectors are able to unrealistic inflate the value

Gamestop will offer him about 12 bucks for all that.

20% awesome games. 80% shovelware lol

Great or not can be debated but too many games have been canceled. I’m still salty over 1313.

Fuck Lucasarts and fuck Disney.

Please Scalebound is a fairly niche title that was more an attempt to get Japanese devs on board, an area MSoft have always suffered in. After fours years of development it makes sense to can a problem project that isn’t moving.

You bought a console for a game without a release date?

Basically yes. That’s my understanding. The system contains your account data which contains your digital licenses. The eshop checks this to see what you’ve purchased. But none of it happens on Nintendo’s servers.

Can we stop with the stupid roof boxes? They seem to only serve to take a good looking car and fuck the lines up so hard that it may as well be an Aztec.

Now playing

Some guy on Facebook showed this T-1000 scene!

by making an exact replica and leaving it in berlin that people would enjoy as much then the original could be return to its original country/land. Most museum pieces are basically taken and never returned even when asked by the country of origin.

They believe that an Egyptian relic such as this, likely looted from Egypt sometime in the last hundred years or so, should be returned to Egypt.


Wow that’s pretty bold to label those who play sports games as casuals. Isn’t the term gamer essentially a person who plays games? Stop It with elitist attitude and trying to be better than everyone.

I’m pretty sure casuals can’t even play modern sports games, those are only accessible to super hardcore gamer, they are just hard core about sports games instead of shooters or action games.

Halo 5 has enough players. If I start a new account I can play the game...but because my rank is higher the game wont match me with anyone.

Yea not like this is a video game site and smite just had a huge championship or anything....

Code is RRDUAL, and you plug your controllers into ports 1 and 3. Best way to play, hands-down.