Kotaku's Patrick Muldoon

I understood the point of making a “blip” as you’ve thoroughly explained in your comment but make no mistake, this article still feels lazy AF.

Just update the past article and post it again with an [UPDATED] tag on the title. This feels like a cheap clickbait so users can see more ads.

congrats on putting in the least effort possible and getting defensive over it. your ‘blips’ are lazy as fuck and provide nearly zero info to readers. if someone knew that the linked article had been updated, “hey! We updated last week’s article with new information!” maybe they wouldn’t have to tell you this.

Glad it’s authentically just as unegronomical and cramped as all Nintendo controllers are.

it’s also outrageously overpriced and lacking some features that the PS3/360 versions of the game had.

Paint me like one of your arms characters

lol, you’re hoping that there is still a plot revolving around all this?

Really? Swept the leg? They announced 2 exclusive game coming this year, 1 multiplat game coming out this year, 2 DLC’s for Zelda this year, 1 game with literally no information including who’s developing it (let alone a release date), and 2 games for next year. Literally a quarter of all the content they announced

A static graphic of the title of the game?

All they did was announce sequels and re-hashes, and you seem to think they blew every other developer and publisher out of the water. This is why I don’t like Nintendo fans.

This is a simple question since I dont PC game...how much would it cost to build a PC rig with the same if not most similar performance? I’d wager it would cost more than $499.


I’d like to meet that 1/10. Bet they were pretty bummed when they killed off Kristen Bell in that weird Portal rip off DLC

A few years back I recreated my workplace using the Halo MC Forge engine, I had only 650 usable I could use to generate the map but I pulled off an easily recognizable structure & surrounding property to play in. A few times I had invited some coworkers for Halo night, loaded up the map without saying anything & after

This is partly why I dislike Bethesda games.

Oh I wish Killer Instinct got as much credit as it deserved, while it does have the Ki world cup I just think with Capcom really saturating Tournaments with SFV and Netherrealm and WB putting their muscle into Injustice 2 I still really felt Microsoft could have put so much more into Killer Instinct

“Your average consumer doesn’t have unlimited space to download games, so some physical games are purchased even by the most hardcore downloaders”

Given chameleons are lizards, I’m not sure the difference is as big as you think it is.

That heart effect has been in the game for over a year for hand taming and breeding.

The Switch is still expensive for what it is. Especially considering how much it is for stuff like extra Joy-Cons or a pro controller. And the fact that it’s still missing a lot, and the hardware is having issues, I think any of the shit the Switch is getting is totally valid.

oh look! lots of people judging a movie before they’ve even watched it.