Kotaku's Patrick Muldoon

It’s almost as if the entire Star Wars series is based on traditional story tropes and archetypes that are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Who would have thought!

they seem to have forgotten one very important Bandai Namco character...........................

Why does telltale do these long time gaps between episodes? Are they working on each episode between that time, or they just like to hold on to it and release it whenever they think is a good time. I can’t play their games without playing it back to back within a week, or I lose interest.

Thankfuck for that.It’s about god damn time.

Well I understand that publishers tend to have a great deal of control over development matters but are you saying that the developer here had zero creative output in the game’s development?

Im so sad and depressed and angry and confused that this never came out (as you can see, Star Wars induces many emotions).