Watch out for the cops with bulldozers blocking the road.
With Cathy Gale too - expect a lot of ass-kicking, sarcasm, and Steed being put firmly in his place.
Thanks to Gary Larson, I will forever write CAT FUD on my shopping lists...
Buick 3800 V6. The unmistakable sound of GM for most of my growing up years. Also, how can we not love an engine that made the GNX? That turbo’d 3.8 is a legend.
“Then I became Kid Hip-Hop. Then Kid Alt-Country. And finally, Kid Moe.”
See HBO, you can end a story properly. :D
In heaven, the electronics are Japanese, the suspension is German, the bodywork Italian, the interior French, and it’s sold at American prices.
Back the fuck off !!
how’d you get Sir Mix-a-Lot’s browser history
Trump: I can write. I totally have a pen pal.
They all come with manuals. The problem is that they are in the glovebox and start off with explained how to get the car out of Park.
See, this is the shit that ends up making Taco Bell the only restaurant in the future.