It’s nice to see that British people can be just as racist as Americans.
It’s nice to see that British people can be just as racist as Americans.
a Buffalo Bills game too
the perfect team-up of USA and Japan
hey, it’s presidential nowadays, and it seems to work
the only way black people can get any kind of privilege!
you’d be losing your limb if you bet that for IIHS test cars
my wife has a 2019 CR-V. This seems like a solid upgrade in line with other mid-cycle refreshes.
how do you mean? where does it show they painted the cars before testing? full-on respray? or what else are you referencing?
Hold up now.......
What’s the indicated speed when you bang off the limiter in 2nd gear?
you might just need to become a better driver
Are you talking about Cheney mostly?
But Mariano wasn’t in a baseball position equivalent of Football that gets derided on face value (kicker)
Not quite HOLD MY DICK, but definitely HOLD MY KUPP
Intergluteal Cleft is a great band name
Will there be a HAM sandwich on offer?
First, I’m cool with that because the Giants (my favorite team) has your number.
not optional, it’s always there on the Pilot. The Passport doesn’t have a 3rd row to 2nd row gap that the Pilot has when its 2 rear rows are folded down