SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman

Are we Great Again yet?

*Inserts generic Mustang Cars and Coffee joke*

Oooohhh, that’s hot

Is that bad?

Despite it having a S50B30US and not a S50B30, I love my Dakar Yellow E36 M3

What exactly is the process for buying BTC?

Safety > fan experience

Anybody got a good black Mac n Cheese recipe for me, please?

Muffin cups?

I know Turkey Day is tomorrow but the chickens are out in full force at NFL HQ

Did they learn you though?


Being from the islands (Caribbean), I never got to experience any of this.

damn right, my nigga

True love is shit-talking for your spouse in their line of work

definitely not

Not exactly... it’s to keep up, since finding out those loopholes in tech inspections is nigh on impossible

As Frank Sinatra sang “That’s Life!”

A fine and sobering reminder of what we’ve worked so hard to destroy and can be so easily undone by those worried about comparatively banal consequences from non-conformity

you’re not supposed to poop there