
Toy Story 3 was pretty good in 3D too

Full disclaimer: I work for Microsoft where I design/manage a very popular app.

My grandma does not know how to use a computer, and my mom freaks out when her window gets minimized. Your point?

And on multiple boobs

The comments on this post are hilarious...

Again, use Windows Live Mesh! Makes it like dropbox

There is an official solution for the explorer integration: Windows Live Mesh. It syncs a (or any number of) folders to skydrive and/or to other computers.

It exists. And there is an official solution: Windows Live Mesh

There is explorer integration! Use Windows Live Sync! You can set one (or any number of) folders to sync to skydrive, or to other computers...

Unlike many other countries where the federal government was first formed, and the country was divided up into states for ease of governance, America was formed by individual states getting together and handing over some critical national subjects, such as defense, to a national government.

"Moral of the story: never use PowerPoint, unless you hate all human beings."

McDonald's is > BK. Their Angus burgers aren't half bad. BK just sucks. In fact, of the chains:

You're kidding right? Do you have any idea how physics works? An inch you climb takes the same amount of effort (read energy) whether you're 5 feet from the ground or 10 because the change in potential energy is the same for that inch.

I agree.

I know this is a duh statement, but Einstein continues to impress me everyday.

I doubt it was a sudden "technical failure". More likely that something went wrong during the fight (an enemy fired at the helicopter with a large weapon?), but the government doesn't want to disclose that...

I doubt it was a sudden "technical failure". More likely that something went wrong during the fight (an enemy fired at the helicopter with a large weapon?), but the government doesn't want to disclose that...

Prostitution is legal if you film it! Then it's called filming porn.

I hate the design! My pet peeve? The fact that up/down arrow scrolls the article while the left/right arrow changes the article. It's too easy to hit the left or right key once accidentally, while pressing up/down a bunch of times....