
Norbs, jrapoport does have a point. I used to be on Gizmodo all day. But I've realized that not only does The Verge do a much better job on staying on the point about gadget news, it also has the most original content and is often the one first out the door with reviews and coverage.

Not sure what you're getting at: I did Engineering and Economics in college, and my laptop was my life.


You should go to the Beoplay website linked at the end of the post, and check out an image of the back of the device.

How about slamming on the brakes? A rear-end collision is almost always the fault of the person in the back, no?

"SkyDrive is currently the best overall value, offering up 25 gigs of storage for $25 a year. But Google Drive is right behind Microsoft, offering the same amount for $30 a year."

"Free as in free of monthly costs and not free free but even that kind of not free but free is more flexible than..."

Seriously, I just switched to the winphone and am sad to see it not included in this month's or last month's article.

OK, so it wasn't just me

For all those complaining that companies use H1Bs to suppress wages:

@ Thorkel: I don't know if what you say is never the case, but I can certainly say that's not always the case. I work for one of the large technology companies who's products you almost certainly use, and I know that we definitely pay those on an H1B exactly the same as citizens (pay is based on your title and

One problem with this (aside from the fact that it assumes people aren't assholes) is that you rarely have something ON you that you DON'T want. The stuff that you DON'T want is typically sitting at home, not in your backpack.

You clearly don't own a Kinect. I have a Kinect and a bunch of games at my place, and they can be played in ANY lighting condition. Dance Central 2 is also a major hit whenever we have people over.

You clearly don't own a Kinect. I have a Kinect and a bunch of games at my place, and they can be played in ANY lighting condition. Dance Central 2 is also a major hit whenever we have people over.

Think of it as a super cruise control. The driver still remains responsible.

Why are you here?

Is he using an X-BOX controller at 6:35? Wow, I guess controlling it must be like a video-game!

I don't think Siri cares as much about the accent as it does about teaching you grammatically correct English.

Without hardware buttons, how are you going to go back home? Like when the guy in the video launched the camera app, there didn't seem to be an easy way to access home or go back...