Daryl Liedecke

Queso is an appetizer, a party food, and sometimes, when it's just one of those days, it's the whole meal…

Oh man. You can afford Hot Pockets. What's that like?

He was just too embarrassed that he couldn't sing "Despacito" correctly

You're not into the whole brevity thing?

The "NYC as a character" cosplayers really up'd their game!

The last con I went to was about 3 years ago. Some dude was there from "Under the Dome" and it was pretty much that situation. He might have been a prominent character but I don't know. Never watched that show.

Trying to use the potty in a public restroom

"Brad Paisley's Comedy Rodeo"
I see the words. They don't make sense…

It's a bad time to be in any sort of "league"
Luckily The Defenders were the world's greatest Non-Team

I think the soundtrack was a very somber version of "Yakety Sax"

They call them the "walking" dead but they never draw their feet!

Walking Dead 2: Still Walking

Beware the sweet Laurel Canyon sound

He's William G. SUCK-ley!

The only experts Jon Taffer uses are the two women from that "Double Divas" show

See you at linner

I order everything covered in delicious Billie Hollaindaise sauce

Lobster Cuspidor is amazing, if you don't mind the chewed up tobacco and spit

Or an adaptation of the "Beauty and the Beast" mini! They can use Beast, introduce Dazzler and Doom's son, whom Doom can't stand and is happy to see fail.
It's a weird enough mini that I could see it fitting Hawley's sensibilities

He's Paul Ryan's way cooler, better looking, union (SAG, I assume), Middle Eastern equivalent