Daryl Liedecke

If Karma isn't being used in The New Mutants movie, maybe they can add her to this too.

It automatically starts playing every time Fonsi elbows the side of the computer

Meanwhile, Oran "Juice" Jones still walks free after he decided to go ahead and kill the alley-cat coat wearin', hush-puppy shoe wearin' crumbcake he saw his girl with.

Thanks to the years of shank training, it's really more of a "stabby" motion.

Hiddily-ho, Westeros-inos!

Mmm. Hot pie. *Drools*

Velociraptors loved a good tummy rub

These days, a Teen-Rex would be too busy on it's smartphone to be any real threat.

I've got some "School Daze" trading cards!

That's Kohl'd

It is a fond memory of growing up in Houston suburbs to see half empty "strip mall" everywhere I went.
I know Houston has done a lot recently to revitalize itself, at least within Downtown/Inner Loop/etc. I haven't been anywhere near that stuff in a good 15 years.

Eh, if I do ever get stomach problems from Taco Bell, it's either random chance or the fact that it is the third fast food meal I had in 24-48 hours, which is probably ill advised.

"Alligator Pears" so it IS a euphemism for testicles?

I've had spaghetti where the sauce was so heavy with ground beef it was practically chili

He was mad they didn't have those fancy Castlevania olives his kid likes so much

That is the first place I thought of when I read this.

Alright ladies, it's time to holla for the chai wallah!

Yep! One of them murders the other and eats his face. Try to guess which one. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

"Yoga Pants Song" doesn't have the same ring to it.

All the goth women I've seen on OkCupid are really far too old to keep doing that. I remember one that, based on her profile, didn't even START the goth thing until she was in her early 30s.
The math checks out.