Daryl Liedecke

Brahs Not Bras


If it ain't baroque, don't fix it.

RE: Monster's Inc. God, yes. It doesn't help that for our older daughter's second Halloween, we did an MI themed Halloween and our daughter was almost the spitting image of Boo.

There's one wookiee I'd like to bend!

"The Massacre that Didn't Really Bother Anyone in Westeros"

Ah, I thought he had said something to that effect.

He and his little army squadron seemed to all come from the pages of Non-Threatening Boys of Westeros Quarterly

I do that at home!

"Jorah Mormont? Never heard of him. My name is…Storah Borbont."

I think the "Last time on GOT…" recap even showed him getting killed.
David Bradley had an ok night. His characters got to make "sort of" appearances on this and The Strain.

The Partnership collecting blood for Strigoi was the first thing I thought of when I saw it. People are donating blood in exchange for stuff and the Strigoi don't just slaughter all humans on sight. Where else was the blood going?

I might have missed something- did the one nuke in NY do this to the whole country or did they say that other nukes got launched?

But NOT a porn star!

I'm sure there is a Laura-sized hole in Superchunk when she isn't there but if Mac (and Jon and Jim) are still there, I think it counts.
Now, whatever it is that the bassist and drummer for CCR do these days completely does NOT count to me, as an example.
If it's at a state fair, it is probably at least 50/50 that it

I got to see them once. I often forget about them when I think of concerts but I don't know why. They were good.

Wow. I'm pretty jealous of BR5-49 and NBT! I never even got to see them once.

I don't know exact counts but it must be any one of:
1. Junior Brown
2. Tito and Tarantula
3. Superchunk
4. And You'll Know Us by the Trail of Dead (including at least once when they were still a two-piece)
5. Green Day (which is four times, the last being about when they started touring for "Dookie" and one of those times

He pronounces his name more like "Binge-O"

"Oh my, there sure is a lot of snow here."
"Snow… riiiiiight."