Daryl Liedecke

God, I could use that. As of now, hackers take my identity, it's really just to practice. They will get no use out of it…

I'm Ryan Phillippe
And I'm here to say
I'm about 15 years
Past my hey-day


Ironically, she's the only one who survives because even the evil box doesn't care enough about her to do anything

Cable knit looking more like cable don't fit!

I'm pretty much over "The Mist." However, it did introduce me to "Shannara Chronicles" While also not great, it's very watchable.
Also, it was developed by Miles Millar and Alfred Gough, who I had completely forgotten about when they used to be everywhere. Kind of like Orci/Kurtzmann or Greg Berlanti.

This just leaves more room for Stilt-Man!

I figured he wore a live mammal of some sort. It would occasionally break the fourth wall and say something exasperated and hilarious like "it's a living" or "please, kill me" or something like that

I'm moving to flavor country!

"A girl is off the case!"

I'm really more of a RedTube guy.

The thing about jazz is, it's really all about the festivals they DON'T play!

I was at that show, man. Those cats were really wailing that day.

When it comes to baby Angus Samuel, Frank, you are NOT the father!

it's Ecksellent

In liu of something funny to say, I will just say this sounds good.

If at least one Murray brother isn't smiling when you get your check, your food is free

Where the Buffalo Wings Roam

Do they serve Meatballs?

This time, she moonwalks away from mankind