Just how exactly do you propose raising a 10 year old without them ever hearing the word “fuck”?
Just how exactly do you propose raising a 10 year old without them ever hearing the word “fuck”?
“It’s as if autism is overdiagnosed because it’s the hot new disability you can blame for raising shitty kids.”
Don’t be such a drama queen. No one is saying that there shouldn’t be any punishment.
“they exist to make sure the laws in place are fair”
You’re entirely correct. Can’t be blamed for voting Trump if you don’t get off your ass to vote to begin with.
Tough guys? Who? The draft dodger, or his pussywhipped VP?
That’s only in passenger cars, where a rear view mirror catches what’s behind you.
THey changed it around 2007ish, to the post 9/11 GI bill. Works pretty much as Michael said.
One would normally read your comment as sarcasm, but we’ve read David’s previous posts.
Easily $1k repair if not more. Sod is around $500 per 500 sq. ft, and would be required if the owner didn’t have time to wait for grass to grow from seed.
Good tenants don’t damage the property in the first place.
Because people don’t always do what they say they will.
Ehh, I don’t blame them. I’ve rented a few properties, and always make it a point to become friendly with the neighbors. More often than not, they’ll be the first to let you know if your tenant is doing something they shouldn’t be.
Yeah, it’s more than obvious you’ve never been a landlord.
Just this morning, I had some guy slam on breaks at 70 mph to allow a few cars coming up the onramp to merge in front of him. I would have been rear-ended by the car behind me if i hadn’t quickly changed lanes.
Think he left behind a box of cassette tapes?
He’s obviously referring to Davidson in the basement, not House.
My buddy Paul was the guy that accidentally killed his sister with one when he was 8. Ruined them for everyone.
United created the entire situation, and had multiple opportunities to fix it prior to getting security involved. They chose not to, and instead opted to call in “the muscle” to fix their problem.
Didn’t know that about Russia and chemical weapons. A little hypocritical of them, since their answer to the MOAB is thermobaric.