Ridiculous. The truck is traded in as-is. Would they have grounds to sue if he left their plate frame on the new vehicle while running down a group of schoolchildren?
Ridiculous. The truck is traded in as-is. Would they have grounds to sue if he left their plate frame on the new vehicle while running down a group of schoolchildren?
It’s fucking hyperbole, but way to be that guy.
Why not both?
Making your excuses more long winded doesn’t make them any more excusable. See as you’ve failed to put together an intelligent argument in the wall of text above, I’m assuming that I’ve wasted my time here. You seem overly emotional about the topic, so feel free to rage on with the insults all you want, I won’t…
QA costs more? That’s your excuse? If you lack the capital to properly make games, perhaps you shouldn’t be making them.
What he says isn’t really up for debate. Many games are released unfinished. If you work in the industry, i don’t fault you for defending it, but you’re partially to blame.
That’s a bingo!
What do you mean? The man obviously busted out his best pair of overalls for the occasion.
Jesus dude, have you no shame? Nobody admits to going into Coatesville.
“(I’d love to play a game that went through her time in the Second World War and how she founded the special forces.)“
Reunions at public events are bullshit to begin with. Soldiers don’t get to surprise their family members like this. Most get to stand in formation for a damn hour while their family stands off to the side waiting for the unit to get its shit together. 9 times out of 10, these guys are just company grade primadonnas…
No. Unless your declaration of having a penis is accompanied by self loathing, you are a misogynist on Jezebel.
If you’re comparing directors cuts to patches that make a game playable, either you don’t understand the problem, or your grasping at straws to make excuses. Friend, at this point it’s clear you’re part of the issue, and not capable of objective response. Not sure where you’re from, but in the States, we would like…
I wish there were more people in the US with your mindset. I’m a veteran, and have spent most of my life around guns. Nothing I own is worth killing someone over.
Let’s all be glad you’re spending your time trolling on Jalopnik, rather than fucking up some poor clients life.
What’s bizarre about paying for a product, and expecting it to work as described? In no other industry can you release a fundamentally broken product, leaving your customers waiting indefinitely until they get what they paid for. We need to stop allowing it here as well.
I’m really happy for you, but the consumer shouldn’t have to understand the QA process. That’s why they’re paying you. Using customers as your Guinea pigs is inexcusable.
That’s not how small claims court works....
Patching is fine. Releasing a broken game, because you have the ability to fix it later is not.
.....and you’ve somehow missed the entire point of this article. Bravo.