Templar =/= High Templar.
Templar =/= High Templar.
because his wife thinks it’s U.G.L.Y.
Newegg has some slightly faster, 16GB RAM for the same price:
Newegg has some slightly faster, 16GB RAM for the same price:
Wow, a mysoginist and a homophobe? Aren’t you a peach.
Damn, that’s not nice.
Hasn’t Rocket League been free all month?
Hasn’t Rocket League been free all month?
It MUST be the truth then.
They’ve supported Brady (and bashed Goodell) many times since the incident. I didn’t see you complaining about bias then.
“I’ll admit to it, but nobody can know” doesn’t sound much better.
His previous phone was a Samsung. If he had activated the new phone and completed the data transfer, all his old messages would be on the new phone. He more than likley didn’t do the transfer. I literally just went from a Galaxy 5 to an iPhone 6 last week.
“We believed in Ouya and that it would be around for a long time to come”
Pretty sure that was sarcasm. However, on a personal note, good luck on your degree. I wish you a long life of dissecting every commercial you watch, while working in a completely unrelated field.
No, you misunderstood. I couldn’t care less who you say you are.
Same thing happened to me on the turnpike about 15 years ago. Max toll was about $35 back then.
ok buddy.
Sure, is something over your head?
Statistical significance goes out he window when you’re talking about people burning to death. When the other manufacturers collectively set the bar for safety, and you’re twice as dangerous, someone is going to take issue.
They’ve cancelled them, they just haven’t yet notified the customers.
Don’t get in an accident? Aren’t you precious. Completely ignoring that bit of ignorance, the vast majority of Grand Cherokees will never leave the pavement. Preferring “increased off road performance” over simple, everyday safety measures is idiotic at best.
If you’re going to quote a source, it helps to read the whole article: