

Bullshit, the sequel would have happened regardless of whether Microsoft paid for exclusivity.

A flick to the eyeball with the back of the spoon should correct the issue.

Agreed, kid deserves a nice tumble over the nosebleed section railing.

We never had buns in the house. All hotdogs and hamburgers were eaten with greasy, shitty, wonderbread. Because of this, I always have a steady supply of potato rolls in the house, regardless of whether or not I have the corresponding meat products.

If the kids were in her line of sight the whole time, why didn’t she do something when the police officer was interacting with them?

Good to know. I was curious as to how she was able to keep an eye on her kids, but couldn’t see the cop waiting with them.

Or, you know, advance in their chosen field like the rest us.

“Cameras monitoring the hall outside her cell show no one entered or left it between the time she last spoke with deputies through an intercom system and when her body was discovered.”

I would really like to hear your definition of a public figure then, since it differs so greatly from everyone else’s.

Why? He’s not a public figure by any stretch of the definition.

I hadn’t even thought about that. I cannot apologize enough.

Except....I’m not a liberal. Just a have a fairly common set of basic morals.

Oh, I’m sure I’ll be one of many.

Can we talk about Gawker’s finest hour? 8:26 last night?

I’ll take it a step further, she’s probably not going solo to these.

It’s a southern thing. Many northerners have never had it.

The common saying is “rake him/her over the coals”.

OR run the car in reverse for an hour.

You and Lizard Squad can fuck right the hell off. There’s no justifying this shit.