
These assholes are getting ridiculous with their baby names. I didn’t even think names could include numbers.

You’re trying too hard. Look, I’m not going to argue with you about the endless number of possible (and viable) excuses the driver could come up with that wouldn’t be captured on your $30 amazon dash cam. I just ask that you be careful around other asshole drivers, and don’t risk everyone around you by rear-ending

I thought the same thing. The judge must be basing her opinion of the mother on something, I’d like to know why she had such a problem with the mother.

You have a camera that can see through their car to capture the road in front of them? That must have been expensive. See the problem with your argument now? You’re speaking from theory, I’m speaking from my experience as a LEO.

Works for me about half the time. Just make sure you stay far back enough that the other 50% doesn’t catch you with a break check.

I’m not disagreeing with you, left lane is only for passing. I wouldn’t use the speedometer accuracy arguement again though, it’s kinda sad and pathetic.

Was he missing a windshield? If not, that’s a shot most physics experts would call impossible.

Technically he’s correct. Left lane laws don’t make exceeding the speed limit legal.

Not always. Unless you have them on video acting like an asshat in general, any half ass excuse as to why they slammed on breaks will put the blame back on you.

In all fairness, it is ten ways jalopniks deal with shitty drivers, but it may not be the best ten.

Yup, love this one. It’s even better when the car behind you has automatic wipers.

Seems like a bad move for consumers. Part of the draw of Carfax was the fact that they were independent of those selling me the car.

Then why hasn’t half the NSA been arrested? Because the law is based on the CURRENT legal interpretation of the Constution.

Perhaps you need to spend less mental effort on what other people call their vehicles.

What knowledge? You can learn how to DDos from a youtube video.

I don’t think Finland extradites.

I’m still trying to figure out why he wasn’t charged for those crimes.

That’s not even remotely correct.

Suspended sentence means the judge “puts off” sentencing in order for the defendant to fulfill his probation requirements. If there’s no issues over that period, the sentence will be dismissed.

He swatted multiple Americans. We’d throw him in jail for quite some time.