
Wow, so many rapid responses. Methinks the lady doth protest too much ;)

There can be an intense culture of FEAR around high-profile shows and movies, enough to keep people quiet. Unlike most companies, there’s no clear HR dept. to voice your concerns to; it’s not like a crew member can pick up the phone and call Netflix to register a complaint. They would have to go to a producer, knowing

Happily rocking the 8 which replaced an aging 6S. The wireless charging is great and if they had made that an X-only feature that would’ve tempted me to drop the $$$, so I feel like I got the best of both worlds - new features while retaining the home button and fingerprint sensor. The only thing I covet is the dual

Where did you think all those children of Harry, Ron and Hermione came from? Hint: it wasn’t a spell.

These sex dolls have been around since the 90s, yet I don’t see any epidemic of low birth rates or hordes of angry women unable to find a partner. While they have gotten more advanced and will soon incorporate robotics and basic AI (imagine fucking your Alexa), they’re still just dolls. And if any man doesn’t get the

Aaaaaaaaannndddd every single Youtube embed requires us to switch over there to watch it. WTF, NBCU?

Seriously. I’ve heard of a lot of different types of actor’s workshops, but never anything remotely like this. And the fact that he, as the instructor, was taking part in the scene? WAY over the line.

Please, THIS. Bring back the X-Wing and Tie Fighter flight sims, with modern graphics and a VR headset option — and then take all my money.

Oh thank god this was actually a good story. I saw Rian’s photo without the headline in the sidebar just after I finished reading about the latest guy accused of sexual shenanigans, and my first thought was “noooooooo!”

It would suck if something came to light about Bourdain, no doubt.

Yeah, we used to order pizza that way in Naples back in the early 80's, I’m sure it’s been around longer than that too.

One way it’s different: those TV shows were already on the air. The cast and crew’s hard work was on display for the public to see. With a film, if it’s shelved then no one will ever see that work.

I really hope another organization springs up to take their place, one that can run it like a proper business and not just on the whims of a couple pervy jerks.

The “Get Woke...” sketch was painfully bad. We just didn’t get what it was trying to say, the jokes fell flat and the timing was WAY off. I was waiting for a powerhouse sketch with both Jones and Haddish (other than the black unicorns); they deserved better.

Even if he dies, he could come back as a Force Ghost in the next movie. So, win-win...

What’s in the box?!? Wait... did I do that right?

its one drunk night when he was 25 and he rubbed somebody...i don’t even drink and i think he should be given some leeway here...

And BTW, you are either truly ignorant of the law or you a have fucked-up view of what people are allowed to do each other. “Rubbing on someone,” in this context, is considered assault.

How’s this for leeway?

i am not justifying anything but, everybody makes mistakes and one drunk night 30 years ago he rubbed himself on somebody?