
He mentions the first look deal with Dimension (Bob, not Harvey) so that would bind him to giving them first dibs on any new project.

I saw what you did there.

I know making fun of peoples appearances is no bueno but SWEET JESUS COULD THIS GUY LOOK ANY MORE CREEPY?

She was in Tales of the Gold Monkey, starring this creep. That poor woman has certainly seen her share of garbage people.

“She deferred to me, and I was happy to give her an enormous amount of decision-making just as a gift...”

You win.

Great write-up, glad this movie is getting some love. Although it comes up a lot on “best of” lists I feel like a lot of the discussion of action movies is centered on Western films when there’s a huge swath of Asian cinema that belongs in the same conversation.

Have heard from friends who work at Amazon Studios that it’s run more like Amazon corporate than a regular studio. Which means they’re probably slow to acknowledge weak/bad ideas and try to stay the course (whereas most studio heads or development execs now have a limited window to prove their worth before they get

Just wanted to say I enjoyed this article, and found a lot of my likes and concerns about the movie mirrored in your opinions. Good but not great, visually stunning but too much “clean” production design, a muddled story that doesn’t hold up to close analysis. Yet I still think it’s a good movie if only because

Can we talk about the violence in this episode? I feel like the tone of this show varies from week to week, but for an episode full of dick jokes it was also surprisingly violent. The mob beating that man to death was brutal to watch (at least until they cut away) but it served a narrative purpose. It was

Doomed. We’re all doomed.

^THIS. 1000x

So who else are they going to retcon into sexy firebrands that defined their era? How about: The Young Ben Franklin Chronicles.

I’ve done a similar technique for my pan sauces, though I roll butter in cornstarch for the thickener at the end as opposed to flour. Also, I don’t pour the reserved oil/grease back into the pan near the end – what does that do for the sauce?

This. This is all you ever need to watch.

You’re being sarcastic, right?

Am I the only one who thought that was Miley Cyrus in the photo?

Elysium_Final-cover.jpgAnother in a long line of films with great concept art, costume and design work utterly ruined by a terrible script.

Are enough people still playing this on multiplayer to warrant the price? The servers on the original Titanfall cleared out really fast, made the game useless.

Are enough people still playing this on multiplayer to warrant the price? The servers on the original Titanfall

I’m about a third of the way through Divided, and I’m going to continue taking my sweet time playing it. Hopefully I can stretch out the game for rest of the year, especially if I take the time to open every drawer and move every cardboard box.