
Seriously?? FFS....

What kind of madman keeps their Dropbox folder on the desktop??

Technically, workers on a film aren’t fired. They’re just contracted to work a certain number of days, for which they are paid a daily or weekly rate but without benefits (other than worker’s comp, a lot of actors and crew who are union are able to get things like health insurance through their unions). And yes,

I definitely felt the story shift in 4. The ending of 3 was pretty satisfying, and leaving the Chief adrift in stasis meant that he could be absent from future adventures or at least wake up to something entirely different.

Jesus. I haven’t seen (and heard) something that upsetting since Sean Brody bought the farm in Jaws 4.

I wonder how much of this would be lost in translation to a Western audience. It looks really cheesy to my eyes but I can imagine a Japanese audience having a different take because of their relationship to the material and manga/anime being so culturally relevant there. Is this their “Spider Man musical” or something

Until I looked closer I thought that was Ben Affleck in the back, trying to melt the photographer’s face with his mind.

The TIE fighter is like the Mig-19 of the SW universe. Cheap, small, and scary in large numbers.

Agreed with many of you on here, the leaves are NOT “garbage”.

That looks a lot like Luke’s/Anakin’s original blue lightsaber that was lost in Empire, so does that lend credence to the plot rumors of them finding the saber just laying in the dirt somewhere? If it has Luke’s skeletal right hand still wrapped around I’m going to call B$.

Marvel already has all our money and attention, they certainly don't need a "PR stunt" to simply extend their brand further. And most actors I know hate the thought of doing unpaid publicity work, in costume no less. So I'm gonna go with "these guys are just plain awesome dudes."

If I was US pilot I would imagine that Su-30 maneuvering clip is the stuff of nightmares. Imagine chasing one through a high-speed climb only to have it do a controlled flat spin at the top and suddenly have guns on me. {shudder}

Count me as someone underwhelmed by Halo 4, and I feel a little fatigued by the whole franchise at this point. Despite the aesthetic touch-ups the game felt overly familiar, with no really big additions to gameplay, weapons, tactics, etc. The new enemies were difficult but not completely unlike the Covenant troops,

That t-shirt roll looks interesting, I'll give it a try on my next trip. But despite the claim about "no creases", wouldn't you still get two big creases down the shirt from folding the sides in like that?

Yes but why does God need a spaceship??


Thank you for this. I thought I was getting incontinent or something.

It's a trailer, it's not gameplay. Trailers can be manipulated.

Generation X has grown weary of your poor grammar and typos.