
The reason why the canon is so messed up is that these are 3 distinct studio properties — they couldn't have cared less how everything fit together. The producers of ALIEN 3 were in no way beholden to the established canon in the comic book series, so killing off all the main characters forced that stupid round of

The reason why the canon is so messed up is that these are 3 distinct studio properties — they couldn't have cared less how everything fit together. The producers of ALIEN 3 were in no way beholden to the established canon in the comic book series, so killing off all the main characters forced that stupid round of

Yup, that's Sigourney's mother IRL.

Does anyone else remember a TV movie (HBO?) about the space race, starting with the end of WWII? One of the points they made was that the U.S. snagged the best of the German rocket scientists who had developed the V2, and used that knowledge to make better, safer rockets. The Soviets were left with a smaller talent

Does anyone else remember a TV movie (HBO?) about the space race, starting with the end of WWII? One of the points they made was that the U.S. snagged the best of the German rocket scientists who had developed the V2, and used that knowledge to make better, safer rockets. The Soviets were left with a smaller talent

Does anyone else remember a TV movie (HBO?) about the space race, starting with the end of WWII? One of the points they made was that the U.S. snagged the best of the German rocket scientists who had developed the V2, and used that knowledge to make better, safer rockets. The Soviets were left with a smaller talent

Wait wait wait — I thought during WWII everything was bleach bypassed??

(pours some on the ground for Battlefront 2 and X-Wing)

Worst. Blade Runner 2. Idea. Ever.

What's with all the Blade Runner references in this? From the music (which is so close to "Memories of Green" that Vangelis should sue) to the rain to the "zoom in and enhance" TV set prop, there are BR prints all over this thing. Which makes me even more SAD that this poor doll (Replicant?) decided to off herself.

Photon Torpedo bay — or no deal.

Even though I didn't get to watch it in England, totally agree with you on this. I grew up with Tom Baker episodes on PBS, occasionally catching multiple episodes but mostly getting left hanging by the cliffhangers. Despite the camp and the rubber monsters, there was an undercurrent of dread in that era of the show;

Call me crazy, but I'm willing to WAIT until I see the movie to find out who Cumberbatch is playing. And if it is indeed a new character and not a reboot of Khan/Mitchell/Mudd then I'll be cool with that.

Some of my nitpicks against SKYFALL (which I liked, overall) are on this list. I was disappointed that the hacking scenes weren't more realistic (especially the early-90's era graphics that suddenly displayed on a screen when someone got "hacked") and I was annoyed about the premise of a master list of deep cover

Totally. They bulk of the movie was very Disney-fied (and just slightly creepy), but the ending pushed it into WTF territory.

"...and a Xenomorph may be involved."

Looks kinda fun – but does every trailer with aliens in it have to XEROX the 'Prometheus' trailer, right down to the howling music?

For smaller indy or foreign films without a major US distributor, VOD/web rentals are the most lucrative options these days. It's getting harder to get smaller films into theaters and they often can't afford the marketing costs to get people to go, hence the limited theatrical run and iTunes combo.

Agreed! I was really looking forward to the movie but halfway in I was BORED to tears by the story. Cool visuals only get you so far...

"Which one of you was ON my lawn? Was it you, Ender –– do NOT eyeball me, punk!"