We now have camera phones that can shoot in HD. There's also a proliferation of cameras that have image stabilization and ISOs well beyond 12,000 ASA. Even Night vision settings. And yet UFO footage remains shaky, dark, blurry and otherwise useless.
We now have camera phones that can shoot in HD. There's also a proliferation of cameras that have image stabilization and ISOs well beyond 12,000 ASA. Even Night vision settings. And yet UFO footage remains shaky, dark, blurry and otherwise useless.
Man, I had forgotten all about this book! It was one of my favorites back in the day, a great look into the TOS Klingon culture. I especially liked the live-action chess game they played (to the death). What was it called?
I heard this story on the Escape Pod podcast, and it was really beautiful. For all you who were left a little cold by it, try listening to it instead of reading it; really moving story.
And how can this be?? For he is the Quidditch Habberdash!
Well played, sir. #gits
The racers remind me of the vehicles in Wipeout.
So Agent Rice is nicknamed after the site outside Jerusalem’s early-first-century walls where the crucifixion of Jesus occurred?
That's what I was wondering too.
I heard too many crass remarks from friends about "remaking that Stallone movie", so I don't think they worked hard enough to reintroduce the character to audiences outside the Comic Con crowd (though that's probably an uphill battle).
"Polyamorous/astronaut" — took me a second, but I saw what you did there. Nice.
Are you still on? Sorry, late to the party. Just wondering how "Robopacalypse" is coming.
Huh? I'm talking about the *biologist* or whatever who finds that sloughed-off skin in the hallway. And sniffs it like glue.
The RE movies are some of the worst movies ever made and a completely ridiculous series. They're just DUMB, and I always feel like I've shed a few brain cells every time I watch one. But yet they make money, and I have friends who enjoy them as mindless entertainment (or just want to leer at Milla is various skintight…
Yeah, that's awesome!
"Scientist" picks up weird biological sample - with hands! - and SNIFFS IT.
If I remember correctly, they licensed a few designs for the first edition of Battletech (Veritechs, the various Destroids, the Zentraedi officer pod) but the license either expired or was pulled so that they couldn't use them going forward in new editions of the game. It was a shame too; the Macross designs were so…
I'm not sure but I would guess that because the moon surface is so bright from reflected sunlight that the camera had to be stopped down quite a bit to get a good exposure, making it less sensitive to light. Stars would not register in the sky as they wouldn't be as bright as the moon surface. I bet from the dark side…
Well said.