I have to agree with a lot of the comments here, it was rather disappointing. I wanted to leave the the theater all pumped-up and excited (like after 'Avengers') but instead I just felt, "meh".
I have to agree with a lot of the comments here, it was rather disappointing. I wanted to leave the the theater all pumped-up and excited (like after 'Avengers') but instead I just felt, "meh".
I don't think of ALIENS as being a deep commentary on anything, but what strikes me after all these years (and countless viewings) is that the script is remarkably tight. Every scene has a purpose that drives the narrative forward, or else is a tease for something to follow later (like Ripley using the Powerloader…
I second this doc! My friend made it, it's an amazing story about forgotten battles.
I'm confused...Hicks WAS killed by a support beam and Newt DID drown in her cryotube. They were basically "killed in the crash" but when the doctor is explaining it to Ripley he gives her explicit details on how they died.
They look EXACTLY like those "admin" uniforms from the first movie. Although I think it's less about rank than about the clothes you wear while on planet or at Starfleet HQ. It seemed like every officer (including Spock at one point) wore these dress greys on Earth, while the cadets wore red. No one wore their…
Dude, that's...genius.
Agreed. Imagine the epic win of dozens of face huggers splatting against the windows as you rode past the stop.
Robojox? Yay!!
I'm IN.
Seriously, if you're going to put ROTJ and Hellraiser III (seriously?) in the "Best" category, then you have to put Star Trek III there as well. It may not have been perfect (and NO other Trek film has come close to teh awesome that was Wrath of Khan) but it's certainly the best of the odd-numbered ST movies. The…
Are we really going to agonize over the "purity" of a property that's already been watered down by Legos, Pez, Play Doh, baby jumpers, shampoo bottles, sleeping bags, "Life Day" and Jar Jar Binks?
Can this be a series? Please?
It's worth repeating: SPACE. NINJAS.
I used to love that show too, especially when they added NINJAS!
Ditto. Completely freaked out by that episode! Also watched it at my grandmother's house — were we ALL watching it at grandmas place back then?
Did they establish that Loki was influencing the Hulk/Banner on the Helicarrier? His rampage seems pretty typical in terms of his behavior in the first two Hulk films, and he never tapped him with the scepter or anything. I was also surprised (like Clutchman83 was) when Hulk seemed to suddenly start taking actors and…
Ted Danson??
I hate to crap on anyone's expectations, but I saw this at SXSW and it sucked. It has an interesting premise and the first half hour offer an intriguing setup, but after that it just doesn't go anywhere interesting. The use of the video camera adds nothing to the story, just an unnecessary attempt to add some…
Here's more info on the ALIEN guns: [www.imfdb.org]
Re: ray guns, I don't think they have any. If Ridley is sticking close to the "DNA of ALIEN" then I hope he maintains the level of technology seen in the earlier films, with both the Nostromo crew and the Colonial Marines only possessing projectile weapons. We've never seen a ray gun or blaster in any of the movies…