
(golf clap)

I don't see rape being mentioned in this post, only the author's disdain for "sexual shenanigans." You're clearly interjecting here.

So, as long as it drives the story you can slaughter at will — but show one set of boobs and it's gratuitous?

So...the sex is gratuitous? Nothing about the beatings, beheadings, stabbings, slit throats, infanticide or (near) death by wine-boarding?

I don't know how long FOX has the rights to the X-Men or if Marvel would want to take them back; theoretically they could partner up to release a film (like they did with LOTR) but the biggest obstacle would probably be paying all the salaries of the actors involved in such a crossover.

I just had a vision of Archer's dead cyborg wife washing her vajajay in the sink. (shudder)

LEGACY had great visuals with a sub-standard story. Sorry, it just wasn't that interesting after the first hour or so; it even starts to retread a lot of the plot from the first film. Visually stunning doesn't always = an awesome movie (see: Sucker Punch) and frankly the 3D gave me a headache.

I'm with you on this. (Pulls his disc off his back and slowly turns to face the crowd).

Indeed. A cautionary tale.

Thanks for that image; just threw up a little.

Yeah let's not...just forget it. Although on the up side: it did give us the Highlander!

I dunno...I kinda enjoyed the flashy one-piece jumpsuits with the plunging necklines.

As cool as this sounds, would there have been enough steady visitors to sustain the attraction? It's not like it was going to be a hotel, so you would need a steady stream of geeky (or curious) tourists to keep the doors open. People go to Vegas for a lot of reasons, but a geek pilgrimage to a beloved Scifi icon is

Grandpa, what are DVDs?

It's seems pretty apparent that [POSSIBLE SPOILER]...

You guys need to track down the first teaser trailer of "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo." Same song, same editing.

Agreed. It's one thing to do an homage, but they just blatantly copied the editing style and the freakin' song!

I haven't read the comic but does it seem like this would be too much of a niche genre project for a big audience? I'm all for bringing cool scifi stories to the screen but unless this could be made at a 'District 9' budget (around $30m) it's an expensive gamble. Especially when the story is centered around the

I'm amazed that the series has lasted this long, considering how cheesy and over-the-top the films are. Please make them stop.
