Fuck off, Cookie Crisps are the best cereal ever.
Fuck off, Cookie Crisps are the best cereal ever.
#neuroscience no one is saying they are bad people just cause the parts of the brain with the empathy and whatever haven’t grown all the way in yet. it’s just true.
See this is why you should graduate, instead of doing one semester and deciding you have learned all one needs to know in life. 😂😂😂 Bless you, and your actual facts.
Lol! I knew it! Oh, honey. That shit may be what they tell you in community college, but it’s just not true. 😂
No. Words have definitions. Racism is being an asshole to someone because of their race. Sorry your Sociology 101 professor led you astray. Such is life.
If the statute of limitations hasn’t run out, and there are multiple witnesses, and there’s photos, or better yet surveillance footage, and medical bills. It’s not that hard to at least get an arrest. Maybe not a conviction. But you’d still fuck up their day.
Uh huh. Why are you repeating what I said? Maybe you’re on drugs. Good luck with that too. 😂😘
Lol. You’re a silly cunt. Good luck with that in life, bro. 😂😂😂
Lol. No. Obviously they have more than one reporter, don’t be stupid. The point y’all seem incapable of grasping, maybe cause it’s just too harsh of a reality to face, is that THEY DGAF. Everyone’s like crying about how it was logistically possible for more reporters to be there. Instead of calling the assholes out…
The media didn’t “drop the ball”. The media very deliberately decided it couldn’t be bothered to pick that ball up in the first place cause other balls are in town making it rain. 💲💲💲
Well you seem to be under the impression that the media isn’t a group of corrupt, irresponsible, private businesses that care only about maximizing profit by catering to their base, regardless of any sense of morality. Were you in a coma during the last election cycle or something?
I’m wondering if the people who think like her have ever even been to a real city? Think about trying to get anywhere in a major city on any normal day of the year. Then add millions of interlopers. 😲 Just getting to the store would be a nightmare. There’s a reason a large percent of the population react to being the…
Wow, I thought misgendering people was a big no no around here. 😂😂😂 I’m a girl, you dick. Don’t be rude to us cause you’re salty the world isn’t as good as you wanted to believe it was. It’s not. And it’s not our fault we understood that before you did. 😘
Serious. Lol. “Canyou not pretend assumptions about blonde, dumb, WHITE Californians are anything like equivalent to egregious RACISM”?
You’re confused about what that job is. Their job is to generate maximum profit for the corporation that employs then by catering to their particular base.
Cause it’s true? Just cause the media and society SHOULD care more about other people’s lives than fun and money, doesn’t mean that’s magically going to happen if you pretend hard enough.
You seem really salty about for profit businesses putting money above morality. Are you from the past? Did you time travel here and that’s why you’re so angry and confused by this extremely obvious business decision? 😂
Just cause you don’t like reality and it makes you sad, didn’t mean ignoring it is going to get you what you want. Clearly.
You’re really confused about what the media is, aren’t you? 😂😂😂😂
But the influx of people to the state will cause local news to explode. Traffic, Sales, Crime, Fights, Feel good stories, local business, local law enforcement, puff pieces ($$$), etc. There’s usually only 5.5 million people in the entire state. How many local journalists do you think there even are? And how many do…