Why? He didn’t do anything to anyone. He’s kind of a jerk. But asking your gf for a blowjob and accepting her no, and apologizing at the time for making her feel disrespected IS NOT ASSAULT.
Why? He didn’t do anything to anyone. He’s kind of a jerk. But asking your gf for a blowjob and accepting her no, and apologizing at the time for making her feel disrespected IS NOT ASSAULT.
He’s a jerk. But this article is full of shit. All he did was ask his he’s head towards his dick along her to suck it cause they were in a consensual dick sucking relationship.
I mean. . . how remorseful should you be cause your ex gf thought you were a jerk about asking for a bj that one time in the car a few years ago?
He didn’t rape anyone? His gf felt disrespected by his method of asking for a bj. She admits it’s a non story and he never actually forced her or pressured her to do anything. The other one is bitching cause she got paid for a job. . . the amount she agreed to be paid for a job. And someone says that someone else says…
How is your bf asking you to suck his dick in kind of a jerk way (if you’re not into that sort of 50 Shades thing) and then. . . accepting that you’re not going to suck his dick make someone a “victim”?
She’s not doing herself any favors joining forces with the ex gf. Who was never actually assaulted in anyway, based on her own testimony.
Wtf with the ex girlfriend. If you think the person you are in a dick sucking relationship with, requests dick sucking in a disrespectful way that you aren’t into, then you break up with them. She’s in fucking outer space. If the guard removal story is true, I feel bad for those girls cause these assholes are going to…
I think in this case it’s relevant. Cuz this dickhole airline LITERALLY stopped someone from trying to cure cancer.
It’s abuse. Stop spying on people.
Spying is abuse. Get over it. (Also Heard is a serial abuser, gaslighting you into going after her latest victim, but ok)
A lot of straight women are accepting of rape tho? “That’s what you get for: going out without a man/wearing that/drinking that/being unmarried/being a whore/being stupid/being a sinner/it’s god’s plan or punishment/it’s your fault/you deserved it” comes out of the mouths of straight women ALL THE TIME.
You can’t fix stupid, but I applaud your efforts.
Lol. You’re like a rabid honeybadger. Stop being a dick to people online. Go get some therapy. Stop being an angry, hateful, mean jerk. (Sincerely, not trolling. You sound like someone who would benefit from therapy, cause you are so hateful and angry. That’s not a healthy life).
If he has ever made a cake for anyone who is on their 2nd marriage, or a million and 12 other things actually worked in the Bible, doesn’t his hissy fit of a case go right out the window?
He admitted that it did happen. He just doesn’t think he’s a sex offender because he can’t imagine a woman not wanting his hands on them. You need to try harder to keep your predators in order. Some outright deny, some say they did it but they think it’s ok.
That was Fallon. Don’t be besmirching the name of the superior Jimmy.
Yes, sweetie. Sexual Assault is (illegal?) Are you scared cause YOU haven’t been able to keep your hands to yourself? And maybe some of your actions were (illegal?) Prepare for your reckoning, if that’s the case. 😂
Yes. Each and every last one of these disgusting sex offenders should be demonized, burned, and sent to hell to rot like they deserve.
Just curious. Do you (or have you ever) taken Xanax or a comparable medication as prescribed by a doctor?