
Which has fuck all to do with providing quality product, so what are you even bringing it up for? The law is going after dealers who sold fine, normal drugs because their customer did too much. Which brings us right back to the argument, “then why not go after liqour stores when someone gets alcohol poisoning, like

That’s a false equivalencey. A bar tender serves you. A liquor store sells you the alcohol and you are responsible for serving yourself. That’s why a dealer shouldn’t be responsible. a) all drugs should be decriminalized because making them illegal does nothing productive. Therefore, b) creating more archaic laws

“Courts that use the rule [felony murder in drug prosecutions] violate the accused’s constitutional guarantee of due process of law by failing to prove the causation of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.”

So then the proprietors of liquor stores and smoke shops should be held accountable as well, right? If you sell someone a handle of tequila, and they go home and drink ALL of it, it’s the fault of the person who sold it to them. Same with cigarettes, once your customer dies of cancer, it’s off to jail with you.

They basically said, “this is what the idiots who made the law think. This is not what I think". 😂😂😂

To be fair, the commenter said THEY could have died from the withdrawal. Not that, in general, one is likely to die from it. So, without knowing their medical history, it’s a weird thing to call them out on.

That’s just stupid.

GFY. The kids sent to die for money in Vietnam were brainwashed by the post WWII, Leave it To Beaver, Red Scare, Apple Pie bullshit. They killed and died for nothing. Just like everyone in the Middle East. On both sides. They are accomplishing nothing. You don’t need a crystal ball to realize this bullshit isn’t

That sounds like a Stephen King novel.

I’m actually mentally ill. That would not have been a good panic attack. I’d sue that freakshow.

PREACH. And WWII. That’s it. I feel bad for the people who fought in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. It’s sad when they really think they fought those wars “to protect our freedom”. That ideology is completely false and illogical. Y’all fought those wars so rich people can make money and oppress people they don’t

Her father, for whom she is actively advocating to make President, stated there needs to be a punishment for abortion. And also that women are disgusting pigs who should not lactate or urinate because it’s not sexy to him. Why do you feel she is entitled to protection, consideration, or respect from the women she

Every member of that family should be ashamed of themselves, just in general. All day, every day. They should feel shame. Any chance to publicly shame them, for any reason, should be seized immediately. She’s an awful, heinous monster who would deny others life, liberty, and happiness. She doesn’t deserve to get her

He looks like if Leatherface cut off Joan Rivers’s face, stitched it over his own, and then sat down in a dark room until he starved to death.

I’m for the death penalty for monsters like this. This is what it should be for.

I was just saying that today. WHERE IS ANONYMOUS IN ALL THIS? HELP.

The CIA is who he should be scared of. They do what they want. And we don’t know what they do. Fun fact: they’re the only government agency that doesn’t have to publish the annual spending. Cause don’t nobody need to know what the CIA spends, apparently. They could drop the hammer on him in any number of ways no one

We still have more nuclear weapons than everyone else on earth. Combined? Right?

Was it confirmed he immediately started freaking out? It would be weird if he didn’t ask normally, only escalating after the father did nothing. Still, that’s why you don’t get into fights wth strangers. Some of them are armed and crazy.