
Seriously, my little CA area has a few cities that equal over 300,000 together and it’s still “the middle of nowhere” and boring here.

You know at Dave and Buster’s they have a game where you drive the Batmobile. It’s really fun and awesome. But I always wondered why, in movies and tv, Batman just runs down the cop cars and knocks them out of his way when he’s busy actually doing something, instead of working around them. And when you play it, you

Why are you bitching at me?

His race matters of there are racist white people on the jury who don’t like “mixed” people, they could vote for him to be imprisoned because of that. There are no black people on the jury, but that doesn’t mean all the white people will favor him because he’s not white.

I took that roofie business to mean that she thinks those security gaurds are misogynistic jerks who thought she was some dumb bitch who got in a fight and deserve to get what was coming to her. And then extending that thought to the mean the security guards would witness other situations of women being abused by men

I was about to comment this exact thing, regarding calling everyone “comrade”. We need a word for everyone. All ages, genders, marital statuses, everything. Just one word that means “hey you there, who’s name I don’t know”, no matter who that person is.

I remember a father-daughter . . . night. . . dance. . . thing in elementary school in the auditorium. There was fried chicken and tables for everyone to sit at. . . . aaaaaand, that’s about all I remember. I know it was fun. And I can remember my mom telling my in like middle school that my dad still talked about

I think it’s weird that everyone is mad about her tone and word choice for not being nice enough, but then freaks out over time out chairs that tell girls to be nice, not sassy and ugly. I get that “stop it” comes off more hardcore than just “stop”. But I could see any actor telling an assistant doing that, “Stop it”

Alright, even though I think it’s silly you are critiquing my comment like you think you’re qualified to be my editor, especially since you seem oddly incapable of rewriting my blurb in a punchy TMZ way, I’m home from work and have thought about this. Here you go! ;D


Wow, you care a lot.

Hence why I said they could say something like this that puts the emphasis on her but includes her relationship with them. Rather than writing: THEY MUST USE EXACTLY THESE WORDS I PUT 30 SECONDS OF THOUGHT INTO!!


What do children with medical conditions who need special transportation to be educated and the fact the the mentally ill were/are subjected to brutal, debilitating “treatments” and imprisonment have to do with this group of assholes?

What are they supposed to do? Dropping a band would mean canceling their contract with them. They are not in a legal, binding agreement so there’s nothing to cancel. They just stop working with them. You can’t fire someone who doesn’t work for you, you just refuse to work on their future project.

They could say something like, “first coming to international attention for her relationships with Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa, Amber is a mother, actress, and more author. This bad bitch blah blah blah.”

I’ve never understood the use of that word, given it’s origin. “The term was originally used in Venice to describe the part of the city to which Jews were restricted and segregated.” I feel like people who don’t see the racist connotation of the word today, for whatever weirdo reason, should have at least heard of the

Didn’t she call one of her children a “n*****” and then post photos of people like Nelson Mandela photoshopped with her rebel heart bondage bullshit?

I mean, I like to make grilled cheeses sandwiches with lingonberry or blackberry jam. And there’s that like brie en croute with pastry and cheese and jam. But pizza. . .. with tomato sauce and whatever. . . . no. Just no.

I’ve always had them just ask if we were “going to eat in the car”, not if we wanted it to go.