
Would you rather lose your jobs, homes, and other nice things piece by piece? Because that's what's happening now... except it's all the more insidious because there isn't a clear figure to point a finger at, it's "the system's fault." Which is quite frankly bullshit but that's the portrayal.

It's not so much the OS or CPU that's the problem it's the using the CPU for video decoding instead of a dedicated chip. The chips that do this only for video decoding are really cheap nowadays so it's a wonder why they didn't throw it in (cheap as opposed to even an integrated graphics card which can do a lot more

Agreed. Make it slick, and easy to use without feeling forced. There's a lot more to that than simply not including advertisements in the messenger application... Of course that's easier said than done, and you do want it looking polished and modern so it's a fine line.

Well that's what they do to my bill, except it's optional. Wanna text? Pay $5 a month for 250 msgs a month. That's plenty for me. Most of my friends get unlimited tho...

Yes, shame on them. Despite the fact that the cost of a device has a lot more factors than the size of its flash storage. Apple pricing being the obvious exception. This is why manufacturers typically include a sd card slot. Apple being the exception, again. Not that I'm criticizing anybody for anything.

Like somebody else said above... this interface isn't really meant for people that "know how" to use computers in the first place. It's designed so my grandmother may finally start using the stupid things because they can be insanely finicky at times, as much crap that can be abstracted out from the user's view the

Wait, was there an article up there, cuz I um missed it, if you will. Must be a Monday morning thing, or perhaps not exercising enough...

You don't know what you're missing, beer and a book on the throne, oh yeah.

Whitson I don't know if this has already been said here but you can sync your passwords through dropbox while still remaining pretty secure (even if dropbox is compromised) here it is:

1.) Actually, a lot of people will be even less informed about cookies then they are now. How many user's actually read popups of any kind? Virtually none, we all subconsciously click yes because we know that's how you get the computer to shutup. Secondly, malicious websites (and advertisers who are less than ummm,

It really makes you wonder... Did they think this through at all? Did they consult any security experts about the implications, feasibility, and impact etc? Did they learn absolutely nothing in the last couple decades about internet security (and privacy.) That is: never ever trust a malware author, spammer or

Yup. Dumber than hell. And the worst part is it gives users a false sense of security. Namely the people you really don't want tracking your online habits are those that'll use that information to send you personalized phishing emails and the like. Is the EU going to get criminal operations to go along with this law?

Of course you meant: Visualize Energy Use in Terms of What a Kilowatt-Hour Accomplishes

I've got Chrome kicking around in my linux install. I keep it around for the occasional site (usually with flash...) that refuses to work in firefox. I can't put my finger on it but Chrome just doesn't seem to have the features that make me comfy in Firefox. That's probably more because I spent a very long time

So the tip is light beer and drink less. It's International Get Pasted Day, err St. Patty's Day. Ya, I'll be drinking less alright. You only live once etc.

@Nitesh Singh: Heh ya. I have both Chrome and Firefox on both Vista and Linux. I like both a lot, probably the fox a little more. I guess it all depends on your system and what pages you've got open, so number of tabs might be irrevelant if there's 20 but fairly lightweight. OTOH I've seen one flash tab bring the

@phoenix: I heard of it through the previous post and I think I've just been converted (Pandora, last.fm).

@GetOutOfBox: "The real solution in order to not get hacked (if you want to go Mr. Millers direction) is to not use the internet."

@Nitesh Singh: Tab isolation has pros and cons. Plug-ins in separate processes makes sense because "certain" plugins are notoriously prone to crashing and as long as plugins are only loaded on an as needed basis there won't ever be that many loaded. Tabs, OTOH, one can have quite a few of and if they are all in