
So all that fancy Virtualization of Real World Data Software and they couldn't even get the driver on the rig... err correct side? :P

@OCEntertainment: They are kind of waiting on browsers to speed up their javascript performance to. Wave was horribly slow in FF 3.5, doesn't even work in IE8 and most users haven't even upgraded to the latest versions yet. But yeah the service has to come quite a ways yet.

@DarthZigger: Also I won't be able to check back in on this thread until later tonight but don't fret, I have not forgotten your, as yet, unposted requests.

I have 22 invitations to give out. Seems nobody in my family wants them. Come and get it :)

Linux on my laptop for my programming work and Linux and XP in the lab for engineering work. #operatingsystems

@HJSoulma: Well thanks for not taking offense. As an apology I sent you a chocolate chip cookie with almonds as an email attachment... #dragonageorigins

@HJSoulma: That was the greatest troll beat-down I've seen in a while wow, just, wow. Thank you, sir, I can now go back to my homework. #dragonageorigins

@tande04: I was too lazy to login before, jlzignego is my gmail.

I'm assuming this isn't possible, but just in case: is it possible to upgrade for x86 Vista to x64 Win7 RC or do I have to do a clean install?

You guys did a great job on picking out the questions, bravo. Great interview altogether. I was expecting him to be a linux enthusiast, huh, guess not.