I know he just wants a rise out of people, but it still felt exceptionally ignorant in multiple ways. *shrug*
I know he just wants a rise out of people, but it still felt exceptionally ignorant in multiple ways. *shrug*
Kingdom Hearts III is about to be the best thing to happen to gaming. <3
I am astonished by how utterly amazing this looks! My E3 is made.
Well E3 has officially been made. THAT WAS SO GOOD.
For what it’s worth, thank you very much for posting this.
Kingdom Hearts is by far the best thing to ever happen to gaming, and I could not be thrilled by how utterly amazingly KHIII is coming along.
I really adore this game! Highly recommended.
This is probably more helpful than I would be! Tl;dr - Better frame pacing, very few fps dips, and marginally better load times.
He is using Guerrilla Games’ Umbra engine, in partnership with Sony.
It’s unfortunate that companies don’t have the Dr facto freedom to acknowledge that the Switch hardware can’t handle many PS4 games.
Kingdom Hearts is the best thing in the world. <3
How much do these cost, and where can I get them?
This is one of my all-time faorite comments. Kotaku needs more people like you.
You’re a sad excuse for a person.
You are right!
This game could not look more perfect. ♡
That honestly sounds perfect!
He is talking about IP building, not necessarily about direct sequels. This is a company best known for FF, KH, and DQ. 2/3 of those treat most “sequels” as spiritual successors in different universes, while the other sprawls over a multi-character timeline to tell a complex and mysterious story more like what you…
Yes, please.