
Makes sense, I guess.

This absolutely destroyed me in so many ways.

@freedomweasel: I think that's a poor analogy too. Games for the DS are going to be way different than Wii games, but Angry Birds on an iPad is exactly the same as Angry Birds on an iMac.

I haven't seen the film yet, but based on what I've seen of him in trailers, the problem with CLU seemed to be his animations. The way he yells with his mouth so wide open is completely unnatural.

@freedomweasel: Yeah but those are just completely different platforms. For a company that's always talking about synergy between devices, that's really stupid.

"I downloaded Chopper 2 through the Mac store but still had to pay for it to add it to my iPad. Looks like Osmos, which I have on iPad would still run me $10 on the Mac. Bummer."

I'm still kind of annoyed that the newest Android phone is always called the best because of the extra megapixels in the camera and the front facing one that people will hardly use.

How much of this could be due to a type of 'confirmation bias?' I'm sure there's a more applicable term, but there's something to the fact that events like this probably happen fairly frequently, but don't get much coverage. Now the fact that a few have happened close to each other is magnifying the events that are

It usually ends up being Best Buy, because of the Best Buy card.

@RDRR: Do you think that it was a hoax? It seems like it, based on your use of quotation marks.

I had someone accuse me of using an aimbot DURING a game of Reach last night - it was a SWAT match.

Speaking of street-art, if you haven't watched Exit Through the Gift Shop yet, you definitely should.

@rjdub: Just like you could see the screen on any smartphone shattering?

I tend to keep single player games that I really enjoyed that I'm at least somewhat likely to replay. But with games that I mostly bought for the multiplayer, I usually get rid of them once the online community dies down, usually when the next 'big game' comes out.

I think the reason that the Kinect and Wii appeal to people like this is because it removes a kind of learning curve represented by a controller or a keyboard and mouse.

So, get ready to see avatars acting out incredibly vulgar and crass sexual gestures...

Peter Serafinowicz also tweeted this today - I hope this guy gets a break. The pride in his voice when he says he has two years clean really strikes a note with me.

@SuicidalEarthworm: I ended up just using Best Buy for a couple other games, L4D and Gears of War 2, since the Glyde price was only a dollar or two more and I didn't feel like dealing with mailers for such a small price.