
'Sold' my first two games through Glyde this weekend.

The LOST finale.

I love Scott Pilgrim, but I can't get over how much of a bitch Ramona is in that movie. It makes the ending kind of disappointing to me because I'd rather see him with Knives.

Looks like the love child of an Evo and a Nexus One to me.

@Archaotic: "It makes me miss my days in World War II, when Keifer Sutherland would give us regular status updates. He'd let us know how out-fucking-standing we were doing, or whether or not those sons of bitches had put a hurtin' on us."

Meh. Reminds me of this:

In between cursing at those floating white ghosts in Super Crate Box, I always laugh at their descriptions for the guns when you first unlock them.

I always thought the Hyperion book series did a fairly good job at averting most of these stereotypes.

So you're saying that we're too big for the holes?

@NotANumber: That was a pretty good movie, but it came out in September of last year.

I'm by no means an expert in speech development or speech therapy, so please don't take this the wrong way at all.

That alarm clock is hilarious.

Not really sci-fi, but on the topic of toy nostalgia, did anyone else have M.U.S.C.L.E guys growing up?

Also, this one old guy who can only fight lying down.

@keiyakins: I mentioned IE6 because it's likely the browser that someone like that would be using.

This reminds me of how so many people think that the internet is this place where you can be attacked by pornographic popups at ANY TIME. Like if you just open IE6 you will be bombarded with porn and sexual propositions from pedophiles instantly.