
@Velorium: I mean, it's cool that you want us all to see your six pack, but aren't there other places you can whore yourself out?

@Velorium: Douche factor is off the charts

This is how winter should be.

Can't wait to hear how much of that ended up going to Child's Play. Today's Penny Arcade post said they're already almost to $1.9 million, and that's not including the proceeds from the Humble Bundle.

Jim Sturgess is one of those guys you just want to punch in the face, like Jesse Eisenberg.

Watching this video makes me think that I should be able to ride my bike/motorcycle and be hit by cars/hit cars and be totally fine.

@Fata1moose: That looked fake to me - something weird about the way that thing came down so fast and hit the car.

A few weeks back, someone mentioned a website for buying and selling games (not Amazon or Ebay) and I can't remember what it is now. Anyone care to refresh my memory?

Now THAT is a blizzard.

@smcallah: People have football games in temps like that ALL THE TIME in Chicago and Green Bay. We had one last week here in Minnesota at TCF Bank Stadium. After it had snowed 4-5 inches that day.

@commander_k: Yeah, that too. We have had the most snow ever for a December on record this year. Close to 35 inches I think - and we're expecting more this week.

I was watching Football Night in America, and they had a Weather channel reporter in Philadelphia at the Eagles' stadium. He was saying it was "raw" in the upper deck, with temperatures in the mid twenties and wind chills in the low teens, and that he had frozen lip syndrome.

@igiz: No - it just needs to be turned off during take off and landing, and should have the data connection turned off, just like a smartphone. But you're free to use it.

Every display I've tried with the shutter glasses just looks horrible - you can see the flashing. So I'm essentially paying thousands of dollars for a crappy 3D effect that also ruins the refresh rate.

@Stephen Totilo: Haha. THAT'S how you respond to a correction post.

I totally thought the guy in this picture was Daniel Davison, drummer for Underoath:

@Mokon: I've got to get around to ME2. I played ME1 but was frustrated by the mechanics and really didn't get very far. I felt like I really didn't know what I was doing upgrading weapons and I think I approached it too much like I would've KOTOR 1 or 2.

@CubemonkeyNYC: Haha, I know that, but you know how rage-fueled logic works.

What are the warning signs for a 360 going bad?