
@Batman: Yeah I shouldn't have let him get to me, but I was mostly upset at how they were being mean to the Shen guy.

@PHXPhoto: Yeah, I don't really get it.

I had my first bad experience with the League of Legends community last night.

Wow it looks exactly like the cover of every other war-game in the last 3 years...

Why is she leaning over like that and looking at him that way if she's his sister?

So - am I going crazy? Am I the only one who notices that there's half a sentence just sitting at the end of the article?

@excel_excel: To me it seemed like those ads were just trying to increase awareness?

Don't you guys get that the fact that you're still talking about those PS3 baby adds means that they were very, very effective?

@Helis: 9001 X 9001

Mean spirited? Really? This is a game franchise that has sold tens of millions of games in the last few years - I think they can handle a parody.

@RightFootStar: The fact that you're talking about it - and that you're still talking about Dante's Inferno - shows that the advertising was at least effective...

@The Werewolf: Still sounds like a great tablet even without the 3D capability, so they're hardly necessary.

@OMG...Jellyfish: He's one of the few football players that would look small next to most people. He's only like 5'10", 175 or something.

@Zinger314: Poor guy has been on a starvation diet for years now, but the questions just keep coming...

Hooray for Valve!

@The Chic Geek: I'm guessing you meant to reply to the OP..

@cowboybebopfan: Was it crying? Or was it endorsing tons of bullshit products?

I can think of at least two things wrong with that title.