
The only part that really got to me was when they show him cutting the skin around the anus on one of the victims. Not sure why, but that's just not something that you ever see enough to be desensitized....

@Dyram: How about the LEGO Star Wars games? I've seen the complete saga one for pretty cheap. I've always been curious about those.

Just got the red Wii yesterday (surprise from the wife), and I'm just looking for some advice on games to buy. It came with NSMB, which I plan on playing obsessively (I've been playing Super Mario World since I was like 4). I am planning on getting Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. We already have Just Dance 2 as well.

Does this game have a theater mode like Halo 3/Reach?

@gurfinki: I just bought the red Wii - I know I want to play the Galaxy games, but I'm wondering if it's worth it to buy the first and the second or just the second one. Thoughts?

Kind of interesting, since conventional video games work in the opposite way, in the same way as movies or books - they hack into your body's functions using your mind and its awareness of the virtual situation in the game.

@GeneralBattuta: I've got a feeling that zegota may have been joking with that comment...

@hostile-17: You really don't see the difference between a humane or inhumane death? The reality is, lobsters are going to be killed and eaten. Depending on your views, you might not like the idea, but that doesn't change it.

@hostile-17: Yeah, actually that's not like that at all. Humans are not animals.

It just to occurred to me that Spin by Robert Charles Wilson is kind of a twist on this type of story, except more grounded in sci-fi.

So, can we just talk about how Frederik Pohl always seems to have some type of weird, taboo sexual fetishes in his books?

@Kyle VanHemert: Between this and your last few comments, I'm starting to think you've been replaced with a typical Twitter user: incapable of using correct capitalization and punctuation, caps lock..

Breaking: Area Man Shits While Holding iPad.

Every time people start talking about Facebook like this, I'm just glad I don't have one.

@dj-hq: Cats have a thing with drinking things other than what's in their water dish.

The problem is that people seem to have a huge problem with actually managing to keep their Facebook pages closed and private.

Why is it that COD attracts so many douchebags?