
@AErikson: That's bullshit. Plenty of other games are supported long after launch without the need for advertisements.

When playing Halo I think this reaction must work against me. When I curse I convince myself the world is against me and I start playing stupid.

Halo: Reach talk!


Can anyone explain to me exactly what a AAA game is when it comes to video games?

Cosmic Silverback?

Anything vaguely simple in design or the color of brushed aluminum looks just like an Apple product! Hurp durp

@PulpZero: Yeah there are kind of an embarrassing amount of typos like this in most articles.

I wish they would release normal scale, affordable action figures for Valve games, like McFarlane does for Halo. I would buy some of those in a heartbeat. Who wouldn't want a Heavy action figure?

@Rockford: Rockstar is a pretty cool guy, eh supports games and doesn't afraid of failure

I'm pretty sure that LauncherPro is a home screen replacement. As in, it replaces the default home screen.

At this point, people complaining about zombies being overdone is starting to get overdone.

Much better use of space than the current setup - the titles fading away into the distance might look kind of neat, but only really being able to see one cover at a time is annoying.

Burning Eye is actually $0.99, not $0.

I use Android because I need my phone to "just work."

@Ueziel: Apparently I'm a lazy ass

@dragonfliet: Schools aren't failing. I didn't know what the word meant offhand, and I like to think I have a fairly large vocabulary...

@jayntampa: I don't think it's that - I just don't think it even crossed their minds that they would need to read that stuff. How often do you bother to crack open game manuals now?